Partial Dentures



Partial dentures are removable prosthesis meant for individuals who are missing one or more natural teeth. Partials are important because when a tooth is lost the remaining teeth may shift and migrate into the edentulous space. Causing crowding or crooked teeth, making it difficult to clean in between areas which then could lead to further tooth decay or tooth loss. Not replacing a missing tooth immediately after losing it may also cause the adjacent teeth to angle or drifting making it difficult to wear a partial later down the road. Partials also play a big factor in chewing abilities, without a partial you may risk causing damage to the gums and decrease chewing ability.
At Modern Denture Care, we offer two options for a removable partial prosthesis. We offer free consultations to find which options better fit your needs.

REMOVABLE partial Denture

Cast partials:
This type of denture contains a metal framework that is designed to accurately sit on top of your gums and clips on and around your remaining natural teeth to maximize support and stability. Cast partials are considered a long-term solution because of its strong, durable, lightweight, and hygienic advantages. These partials can be made of either chromium cobalt or titanium (recommended for those sensitive to metal). This option is best suited for individuals with stable and healthy natural teeth.
Acrylic Partials:
This type of partial typically serves as a temporary or transitional denture while the permanent solution is developed. Acrylic partials tend to be thicker and less comfortable however allows room for modification while changes still may occur. Acrylic partials offer little function due to its lack of support but can provide esthetics requirements in the short term.